Council Member:
Keyword(s) in Title:
Keyword(s) in Content:

Id Date Committee Title Council Member(s) Status
View 26 3/5/2019 EDC Richland County Workforce Development & Employment & Initiation (WDEI) Yvonne McBride In Process
View 7 6/4/2019 A&F Service Fee Agreement - Non-Taxed Property Bill Malinowski (Inactive) In Process
View 51 2/11/2020 Sewer Development of Modified Sewer Plan Chakisse Newton In Process
View 52 4/21/2020 D&S Affordable Housing Allison Terracio In Process
View 44 5/19/2020 A&F Amending Procurement Rules - Awarding of Contracts Bill Malinowski (Inactive) In Process
View 87 7/13/2021 D&S Zoning Designations for Large Residential Developments Bill Malinowski (Inactive)   In Process
View 90 7/27/2021 Misc. Relocation DSS to Columbia Place Mall Joe Walker III (Inactive)   In Process
View 93 10/5/2021 R&A Contracts & IGAs provided to Council prior to expiration Bill Malinowski (Inactive) In Process
View 103 6/7/2022 A&F Accounting Requirements for Agencies Receiving Funding Bill Malinowski (Inactive) In Process
View 126 12/13/2023 A&F Create Policies/Initiatives to increase access to quality child care Jesica Mackey In Process
View 119 7/2/2024 D&S Title to Subdivision Roads Chakisse Newton   In Process
View 129 9/10/2024 A&F Affordable Housing Allocation from A-Tax Collections Allison Terracio   In Process
View 130 9/10/2024 D&S Residential Development Permitting Processes and Standards Chakisse Newton   In Process
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