Richland County Tax Information
Kendra L. Dove
Richland County Treasurer

The Richland County Treasurer's Office offers several convenient ways to pay your taxes. In addition to paying your taxes in person, through the mail, or at Synovus bank locations throughout the Midlands, we now accept credit card payments with MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express or by electronic check.

Your online payment will be processed by SC.GOV, a third party, working under contract administered by the South Carolina Department of Administration's Division of Technology Operations. The online price of items or services purchased through SC.GOV, the state's official Web portal, includes funds used to develop, maintain, enhance, and expand the service offerings of the state's portal.  

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Vehicle Taxes
Notice Number -
ex 2011-12-123456
Year: - -
Enter the first three (3) characters of your Name as it appears on your tax notice and include any spaces.
- OR -
Tax Year:  
Enter the last name of the primary owner of the vehicle:
Enter your street address (street number and name):
(Minimum of 5 characters)